C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
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471 lines
HEADER: twobdy.c
TITLE: Two-body, Keplerian Orbit Propagator which uses
universal variables formulation.
DESCRIPTION: This routine propagates Cartesian position and velocity
for a specified time interval. It will optionally
output partial derivative data.
Required inputs are the initial Cartesian position and velocity,
the time interval to propagate, mu for the central body,
an initial guess for the solution to the generalized Kepler
equation, and a switch to indicate whether partial derivative
data is being requested.
KEYWORDS: Astrodynamics, orbital mechanics, orbit propagation,
universal variables, Goodyear method, Cartesian coordinates
SYSTEM: MS-DOS, PC-DOS (Coded with Ver. 3.3, but should be version
FILENAME: twobdy.c
UNITS: I believe that the code is not dependent on any particular
set of units. See orbcons.h for the value of earth mu
I use.
SEE-ALSO: k2ce.c
WARNINGS: This code was coded for educational purposes. No attempt
has been made to provide for optimal numerical processing.
For a detailed reference to the algorithm, see the second
AUTHORS: Rodney Long
19003 Swan Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
COMPILERS: Microsoft C 5.1
REFERENCE: Bate, Mueller, White: Fundamentals of Astrodynamics
Goodyear, W.H.,"A General Method for the
Computation of Cartesian Coordinates and
Partial Derivatives of the Two-Body Problem",
NASA Contractor Report NASA CR 522.
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "orbcons.h"
struct input {
double s0[6]; // s0[6]: Pos/vel at time t0
double tau; // Time interval from t0 to t
double mu; // Mu from diff. eq. of motion
double psi; // Initial approx for sol. of
// Kepler's equation.
int auxind; // 0=output pos/vel and final psi.
// 1=output auxiliary data.
} ;
struct output {
double psi; // Final sol. to Kepler's equation.
double s[6]; // s[6]: Pos/vel at time t.
} ;
struct aux_output {
double p[6][6]; // p[6][6]: Partial derivs. of
// s with respect to s0.
double pi[6][6]; // pi[6][6]: Inverse of p.
double pmu[6]; // pmu[6]: Partial derivs. of
// s with respect to mu.
double p0mu[6]; // p0mu[6]: Partial derivs. of
// s0 with respect to mu.
double acc[3]; // acc[3]: Acceleration at time t.
double acc0[3]; // acc0[3]: Accel. at time t0.
double r; // Orbit radius at time t.
double r0; // Orbit radius at time t0.
int i,n;
char filename[31];
FILE *fp;
struct input in;
struct output out;
struct aux_output aux;
printf("Enter input file name: \n");
fp = fopen(filename,"r");
printf("filename = %s\n",filename);
if ( fp == NULL) {
perror("Open error \n");
fscanf(fp,"%lf %lf %lf",&(in.s0[0]),&(in.s0[1]),&(in.s0[2]));
fscanf(fp,"%lf %lf %lf",&(in.s0[3]),&(in.s0[4]),&(in.s0[5]));
printf("%25.16lf %25.16lf %25.16lf\n",in.s0[0],in.s0[1],in.s0[2]);
printf("%25.16lf %25.16lf %25.16lf\n",in.s0[3],in.s0[4],in.s0[5]);
// For the sample orbit print out the pos and velocity
// at each quarter-orbit point.
// The orbit period has been computed from
// period = ( TWOPI/sqrt(mu) ) * a**1.5.
// The number given below is one quarter of the orbit
// period for the sample case, in seconds.
// input file is overwritten. In the normal case, you
// would remove the "for" loop below and just leave the
// call to twobdy() and the print of the outputs. Note
// that if you want the partial derivative output, you must
// add print statements to output them.
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
in.tau = (i+1)*1576.780105;
printf("Output pos/vel: \n");
printf("%25.16lf %25.16lf %25.16lf\n",out.s[0],out.s[1],out.s[2]);
printf("%25.16lf %25.16lf %25.16lf\n",out.s[3],out.s[4],out.s[5]);
twobdy(struct input *in, struct output *out, struct aux_output *aux)
// twobdy: A function to compute the position and
// velocity of an orbiting body under
// two-body motion, given the position and
// velocity at time t0, the elapsed time tau
// at which to compute the solution, the value
// for mu for the two bodies, and an initial
// approximation psi of the solution to
// the generalized Kepler's equation.
// References:
// (1) Goodyear, W.H.,"A General Method for the
// Computation of Cartesian Coordinates and
// Partial Derivatives of the Two-Body Problem",
// NASA Contractor Report NASA CR 522.
// (2) Bate, Mueller, White, Fundamentals of
// Astrodynamics.
#define SQ(x) (x*x)
#define LARGENUMBER 1.e+300
// Additional variables
int its; // Iteration counter
double a, ap; // Argument in series
// expansion.
double alpha, sig0, u; // Temporary quantities
double c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5x3, // Series coefficents
s1, s2, s3;
double psin, psip; // Acceptance bounds for
// sol. psi to Kep. eq.
double dtau,dtaun, dtaup; // Residuals in Newton
// method for solving
// Kep. eq.
double fm1, g; // f,g &
double fd, gdm1; // fdot, gdot express.
double acc[3] , acc0[3] ,
mu , // Local copies of i/o
p[6][6], pi[6][6],
psi , // variables
r , r0 ,
s[6] , s0[6] ,
int loopexit; // Flag to exit main
// program loop.
int i,j,m;
// Copy the input pos, vel, tau, psi into
// local variables.
for (i=0; i<6 ; i++)
s0[i] = in->s0[i];
mu = in->mu;
tau = in->tau;
psi = in->psi;
// Compute initial orbit radius
r0 = sqrt(SQ(s0[0]) + SQ(s0[1]) + SQ(s0[2]));
// Compute other intermediate quantities.
sig0 = s0[0]*s0[3] + s0[1]*s0[4] + s0[2]*s0[5];
alpha = SQ(s0[3]) + SQ(s0[4]) + SQ(s0[5]) - 2*mu/r0;
// Initialize series mod count m to zero
m = 0;
//---Establish initial psi and initial acceptance bounds
//---for psi.
if (tau == 0) { // If input tau = 0, set
psi = 0; // output psi to 0; else
} else { // initialize acceptance
if (tau < 0) { // bounds for psi, and
psin = -LARGENUMBER; // initialize Newton
psip = 0; // method iteration
dtaun = psin; // residuals.
dtaup = -tau;
} else { //tau > 0
psin = 0;
dtaun = -tau;
dtaup = psip;
// If the input psi lies between bounds
// psin and psip, use it as a first approx.
// to a solution of Kepler's equation.
// If not, we adjust the input psi before using
// it to solve Kepler.
if (!( (psi > psin) && (psi < psip)) ) {
// Try Newton's method for initial psi set equal to zero
psi = tau/r0;
// Set psi = tau if Newton's method fails
if (psi <= psin || psi >= psip)
psi = tau;
loopexit = 0;
its = 0;
do {
a = alpha * psi * psi;
if (fabs(a) > 1) {
ap = a; // Save original value of a
// Iterate until abs(a) <= 1.
while (fabs(a) > 1) {
m++; // Keep track of number of
// times reduce a.
a *= 0.25;
// Now compute "C series" terms:
// Note that they are functions of psi.
c5x3 = (1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+a/342)*a/272)*a/210)*a/156)
c4 = (1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+a/306)*a/240)*a/182)*a/132)
c3 = (.5 + a*c5x3)/3;
c2 = (.5 + a*c4);
c1 = 1 + a*c3;
c0 = 1 + a*c2;
// If we reduced "a" above, we have to adjust the
// C terms just computed.
if (m>0) {
while (m>0) {
c1 = c1*c0;
c0 = 2*c0*c0 - 1;
c2 = (c0 - 1)/ap;
c3 = (c1 - 1)/ap;
c4 = (c2 - .5)/ap;
c5x3 = (3 * c3-.5)/ap;
// Now use the C terms to compute the "S series" terms.
s1 = c1 * psi;
s2 = c2 * psi * psi;
s3 = c3 * psi * psi * psi;
g = r0*s1 + sig0*s2; // Compute g; used later to
// get position.
// Compute dtau, the function to be zeroed by the
// Newton method.
dtau = (g + mu*s3) - tau;
// r is the derivative of dtau with respect to psi.
r = fabs(r0*c0 + (sig0*s1 + mu*s2));
// Check for convergence of iteration and
// reset bounds for psi.
if (dtau == 0) {
loopexit = 1;
continue; // Get out of loop if dtau==0.
else if (dtau < 0) {
psin = psi;
dtaun = dtau;
else { // dtau > 0
psip = psi;
dtaup = dtau;
// This is the Newton step:
// x(n+1) = x(n) - y(n)/(dy/dx).
psi = psi - dtau/r;
// Accept psi for further iterations if it is
// between bounds psin and psip.
if ( (psi > psin) && (psi < psip) ) continue;
//-- -- -- Begin modifications to Newton method.
// Try incrementing bound with dtau nearest zero by
// the ratio 4*dtau/tau.
if ( fabs(dtaun) < fabs(dtaup) )
psi = psin * (1 - (4*dtaun)/tau);
if ( fabs(dtaup) < fabs(dtaun) )
psi = psip * (1 - (4*dtaup)/tau);
if ( (psi > psin) && (psi < psip) ) continue;
// Try doubling bound closest to zero.
if (tau > 0)
psi = psin + psin;
if (tau < 0)
psi = psip + psip;
if ( (psi > psin) && (psi < psip) ) continue;
// Try interpolation between bounds.
psi = psin + (psip - psin) * (-dtaun/(dtaup - dtaun));
if ( (psi > psin) && (psi < psip) ) continue;
// Try halving between bounds.
psi = psin + (psip - psin) * .5;
if ( (psi > psin) && (psi < psip) ) continue;
//-- -- --
// If we still are not between bounds, we've improved
// the estimate of psi as much as possible.
loopexit = 1;
} while ( loopexit == 0 && its <= 10);
// Compute remaining three of four functions fm1, g, fd,
// gdm1
fm1 = -mu * s2 / r0;
fd = -mu * s1 / ( r0 * r);
gdm1 = -mu * s2 / r;
// Compute output solution for time t = t0 + tau
for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
// Position solution at time t
out->s[i] = s[i] = s0[i] + (fm1 * s0[i] + g * s0[i+3]);
// Velocity solution at time t
out->s[i+3] = s[i+3] = (fd * s0[i] + gdm1 * s0[i+3])
+ s0[i+3];
// Generalized eccentric anomaly for time t
in->psi = psi;
// Output additional outputs if requested by user.
if (in->auxind) {
// Acceleration solution at time t
aux->acc[i] = acc[i] = -mu * s[i] / (r*r*r);
// Acceleration solution at original time t0
aux->acc0[i] = acc0[i] = -mu * s0[i] / (r*r*r);
// Orbit radii at t and at t0
aux->r0 = r0;
aux->r = r;
// Partial derivative computations
// Compute coefficients for state partials
u = s2*tau + mu*(c4 - c5x3) * psi*psi*psi*psi*psi;
p[0][0] = -(fd*s1 + fm1/r0)/r0;
p[0][1] = -fd*s2;
p[1][0] = fm1*s1/r0;
p[1][1] = fm1*s2;
p[0][2] = p[0][1];
p[0][3] = -gdm1*s2;
p[1][2] = p[1][1];
p[1][3] = g*s2;
p[2][0] = -fd*(c0/(r0*r) + 1/(r*r) + 1/(r0*r0));
p[2][1] = -(fd*s1 + gdm1/r)/r;
p[3][0] = -p[0][0];
p[3][1] = -p[0][1];
p[2][2] = p[2][1];
p[2][3] = -gdm1 + s1/r;
p[3][2] = -p[0][1];
p[3][3] = -p[0][3];
// Compute coefficients for mu partials
p[0][4] = -s1 / (r0*r);
p[1][4] = s2 / r0;
p[2][4] = u / r0 - s3;
p[0][5] = -p[0][4];
p[1][5] = s2 / r;
p[2][5] = -u / r + s3;
// Compute mu partials
for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
aux->pmu[i] = -s[i] * p[1][4]
+ s[i+2] * p[2][4];
aux->pmu[i+2] = s[i] * p[0][4]
+ s[i+2] * p[1][4]
+ acc[i] * p[2][4];
aux->p0mu[i] = -s0[i] * p[1][5]
+ s0[i+2] * p[2][5];
aux->p0mu[i+2] = s0[i] * p[0][5]
+ s0[i+2] * p[1][5]
+ acc0[i] * p[2][5];
// Matrix accumulations for state partials
for (j=0;i<4;i++) {
pi[j][i] = p[j][0] * s0[i]
+ p[j][1] * s0[i+2];
pi[j][i+2] = p[j][2] * s0[i]
+ p[j][3] * s0[i+2];
for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
for (j=0;j<3;j++) {
p[i][j] = s[i] * pi[0][j] + s[i+2] * pi[1][j]
+ u * s[i+2] * acc0[j];
p[i][j+3] = s[i] * pi[0][j+2] + s[i+2] * pi[1][j+2]
- u * s[i+2] * s0[j+2];
p[i+2][j] = s[i] * pi[2][j] + s[i+2] * pi[3][j]
+ u * acc[i] * acc0[j];
p[i+2][j+2] = s[i] * pi[2][j+2] + s[i+2] * pi[3][j+2]
-u * acc[i] * s0[j+3];
p[i][i] = p[i][i] + fm1 + 1;
p[i][i+2] = p[i][i+2] + g;
p[i+2][i] = p[i+2][i] + fd;
p[i+2][i+2] = p[i+2][i+2] + gdm1 + 1;
// Transpositions for inverse state partials
for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
for (j=0;j<3;j++) {
pi[j+2][i+2] = p[i][j];
pi[j+2][i] = -p[i+2][j];
pi[j][i+2] = -p[i][j+2];
pi[j][i] = p[i+2][j+2];
// Output state partials and inverse state partials.
for (i=0;i<6;i++) {
for (j=0;j<6;j++) {
aux->p[i][j] = p[i][j];
aux->pi[i][j] = pi[i][j];